event MessageSent(address _from, address _to, uint256 _fee, uint256 _value, uint256 _nonce, bytes _calldata, bytes32 _messageHash)
Emitted when a message is sent.
_calldata has the _ because calldata is a reserved word. We include the message hash to save hashing costs on the rollup. This event is used on both L1 and L2.
Name | Type | Description |
_from | address | The indexed sender address of the message (msg.sender). |
_to | address | The indexed intended recipient address of the message on the other layer. |
_fee | uint256 | The fee being being paid to deliver the message to the recipient in Wei. |
_value | uint256 | The value being sent to the recipient in Wei. |
_nonce | uint256 | The unique message number. |
_calldata | bytes | The calldata being passed to the intended recipient when being called on claiming. |
_messageHash | bytes32 | The indexed hash of the message parameters. |
event MessageClaimed(bytes32 _messageHash)
Emitted when a message is claimed.
Name | Type | Description |
_messageHash | bytes32 | The indexed hash of the message that was claimed. |
error FeeTooLow()
Thrown when fees are lower than the minimum fee.
error ValueSentTooLow()
_Thrown when the value sent is less than the fee. Value to forward on is msg.value - fee.
error MessageSendingFailed(address destination)
Thrown when the destination address reverts.
error FeePaymentFailed(address recipient)
Thrown when the recipient address reverts.
function sendMessage(address _to, uint256 _fee, bytes _calldata) external payable
Sends a message for transporting from the given chain.
_This function should be called with a msg.value = _value + fee. The fee will be paid on the destination chain.
Name | Type | Description |
_to | address | The destination address on the destination chain. |
_fee | uint256 | The message service fee on the origin chain. |
_calldata | bytes | The calldata used by the destination message service to call the destination contract. |
function claimMessage(address _from, address _to, uint256 _fee, uint256 _value, address payable _feeRecipient, bytes _calldata, uint256 _nonce) external
Deliver a message to the destination chain. Is called by the Postman, dApp or end user.
Name | Type | Description |
_from | address | The msg.sender calling the origin message service. |
_to | address | The destination address on the destination chain. |
_fee | uint256 | The message service fee on the origin chain. |
_value | uint256 | The value to be transferred to the destination address. |
_feeRecipient | address payable | Address that will receive the fees. |
_calldata | bytes | The calldata used by the destination message service to call/forward to the destination contract. |
_nonce | uint256 | Unique message number. |
function sender() external view returns (address originalSender)
Returns the original sender of the message on the origin layer.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
originalSender | address | The original sender of the message on the origin layer. |